
Saturday, July 28, 2018

Mouse Embroidery Finished!

Back in June, more specifically June 24th, 2018... I posted about the humble beginnings of this design. Now it's all done!

Pardon the wrinkles. Below you have a better view of the stem stitch.

Stitches used: back stitch, detached chain stitch (aka: lazy daisy), straight stitch, french knot, stem stitch, satin stitch.

Here are a few progress pictures in backward sequence:

Threads used were all DMC embroidery thread/floss. 

Aunt Martha's iron on transfers are so cute and easy to stitch! 
This particular one is no.3820 Mice Tea Towels from the Red Category (just in case you like to look in your local craft store).
This is how my lap quilt is looking so far.  Every other block will be hand embroidered using Aunt Martha's iron on embroidery transfers, with patches of fabric appliqué in the rest of the blocks.

As you can see, I have 3 other designs already transferred. The one with the red ink is a vintage out of print one. When I get to it will post envelope. Started on the bunny the day before yesterday and hopefully will get it done soon. 
I've been having lots of fibromyalgia flares recently, and combined with osteoarthritis... when the barometric pressure drops, the pain in my entire body goes beyond what I can bare.  Medication ease the pain a bit, once the meds takes the edge off the pain then I can focus a bit in something else. Stitching is therapeutic, especially when listening to spiritually upbuilding and encouraging mp3s. For some reason when I'm in pain reading is useless, I'm not able to focus, can't retain at all what I read. My hearing sense still functions well during a flare, so that's something I'm very grateful for! When meds don't work then I just completely rest.
Well, have to go now!  Until next time!

Non-affiliated links:
Aunt Martha's transfer no.3820 Mice Tea Towels.
Aunt Martha's quilt fabric top Retro Flower Print.