I've been away from this blog for a little over a month. Time fly by when keeping busy. Here are a couple of overdue updates. In fact these projects' progress took place few months ago, but I forgot to post the update until now. Above is the vintage bluework bluebird, almost finished. The beginning of the bluework bird project is here.
"Summer Splendor" is almost finished as well. I'm using all DMC floss on this one, love the colors on this design so much! (Showed the materials/supplies towards the end of this post. The beginning here. And a progress update here.)
Finally decided to start a new cross stitch project on Lugana. My very first official project on even weave fabric. Switched some colors from the ones listed in the pattern, and now I don't like them. Plus I was dealing with a mild migraine that day and it got worst after completing a couple of the elements in the chart (should have known better, instead of stitching I needed to rest).
So later, started it again on Aida in the called for DMC's, but now I feel disappointed in myself for switching to Aida because the whole purpose for doing this pattern was to practice stitching on even weave... sigh... a new cross stitcher's dilemma. When I finally decide which direction I want to go with it, then perhaps I'll write a post on it.
Let see if June proves to be more conducive to hand embroidering and cross stitching. Until next time! Stay safe and help others be safe!