
Thursday, April 4, 2019

"Give Thanks" Stitchery Update

Hoping y'all are doing well! I haven't been able to stitch lately, but here is the last progress made on "Give Thanks" few weeks ago. This design can be found in the book Stitches from the Harvest by Kathy Schmitz.  Initially posted about this project midway this post, then on this other post, and previous update before this one here.
Here is the back of the bird. Do you see those thick lines in the curve of the wing and a couple on the tail? That is where I used the alternative stem stitch, although it may be simpler to learn and stitch for some,  personally I still prefer the traditional way of doing  the stem stitch (outline of the bird, green stem and brown stem) it gives a more cleaner/tidier look on the back. 
Which is your most favorite hand embroidery stitch?
Switching subject... the pollen here is giving some of us hard time. Even when we started taking our allergy meds a couple of weeks before everything started blooming. Perhaps it is time to switch allergy meds once again. Hopefully pollen is not a problem for you!
Until next time!